Sunday, June 15, 2008

Reptiles and Salmonella

I'll bet you didn't know that lizards and turtles can carry harmful bacteria called Salmonella.

I love reptiles and I bet you do too (or you probably would not be reading this article!). You may have noticed that reptiles are becoming more and more popular as family pets. Reptiles such as turtles, iguanas, snakes, geckos, horned toads, and chameleons can make great pets because they are fascinating, quiet, don't require daily feeding/walking, and can be kept in a cage with relatively very little fuss. However, there is a cautionary note folks need to be aware of when taking on a reptile for a pet. Reptiles sometimes carry a bacteria called Salmonella that can cause serious illness in people.

Although many people think of salmonellosis as an illness caused by contaminated food, it can also be caught by handling a pet reptile or contact with its environment. The trick is that you can't tell by looking at a lizard, snake, or a turtle if it is carrying Salmonella. You see, Salmonella occurs naturally in many reptiles and the bacteria doesn't usually make the animals sick.

If you have ever had about it, you most likely won't ever forget it. Salmonellosis is a serious infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea is the most common symptom of Salmonella infection, but other symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting can also occur. It can sometimes be extremely serious and even fatal for young children, the elderly, and persons with weak immune systems. Salmonellosis is not to be taken lightly. For that reason, families with children aged 5 years or younger or persons with weak immune systems should think twice about having pet reptiles.

Bacteria, including Salmonella, are easily passed from pet reptiles to people. Research by the Center for Disease Control shows that a person who handles reptiles can easily pass germs to others because bacteria are able to cling to skin, clothing and other surfaces. To reduce the chances of getting sick with salmonellosis by handling reptiles, here are some tips to follow as a reptile pet owner:

  • Wash hands with soap and water immediately after handling a reptile; Launder any clothing the reptile might have touched
  • Do not allow reptiles to roam the house freely
  • Keep reptiles out of the kitchen
  • Use soap or a disinfectant to thoroughly clean any surfaces that have been in contact with reptiles.
Another thing to keep in mind is that it is illegal in the United States to sell or distribute turtles with shells that measure less than 4 inches in length. This size was chosen because some small children treat smaller turtles as toys and put them in their mouths. Yuk! Despite this ban, these small turtles can still be found in some pet stores.

Of course, children will still catch wild turtles and lizards and bring them home to keep as pets, which is what kids are supposed to do. Just keep in mind, whether store-bought or caught in a friend's backyard, a reptile can carry Salmonella and might not be the best choice of a pet for your family, especially if there are young children or persons with compromised immune systems in the household.

Tom Vaughan is an avid admirer of reptiles, especially snakes. He caught his first rattlesnake (pygmy rattler) at age 10 and hasn't stopped catching reptiles since. A favorite website is

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Physics - Magnetism and How it Works

Since our beginnings, mankind has always known about magnets and knew that, based on their position, magnets can either attract or repel one another and that they attract objects made out of iron. However, beforehand, no one could explain why it was like this or could not think how to make practical use out of them.

Today however, we know that there are magnetic areas of microscopic size in many substances. If they are oriented identically, they become magnetic, creating around themselves a magnetic field. If we place such an object in close proximity to another magnetic object, they either attract or repel one another, depending on whether the respective magnetic fields are identically or oppositely oriented.

Magnetic fields are not in any major way influenced by their surroundings and, contrary to sound, work in a vacuum. Furthermore, the magnetic material within them can neither be removed nor changed.

A compass using a magnetic needle was the first and, for a long time, the only practical use of magnets. The Chinese apparently discovered the magnet several thousand years ago, the Europeans only until a few hundred years ago. A compass needle is a small magnet which easily rotates and which orients itself according to the magnetic field of the earth, in a north/south direction. Besides the position of the stars, compasses were for a long time the only navigational aid used by sailors.

The magnetic field of the earth is created by the convection (flow) of molten iron in the earth's core. The geographical and magnetic poles are not exactly the same and the magnetic north pole is close to the earth's geographic south pole.

At present, mostly only electromagnets are used in technical practice because they are more effective and their strength and orientation can be easily regulated.

An electromagnet is composed of an electrical conductor wound around a core, usually made of iron. If a current passes through this winding (electrical coil), a magnetic field is created relating to the iron core and electromagnetic fields are located on its ends. If the size of the current or its direction changes, the strength of the magnetic field changes as well, or its polarity is reversed. As soon as a current stops passing through the coil, the magnetic effect ceases.

Electric motors, electric relays and loud speakers all operate on this principle.

Artificially created magnetic fields are also used for storing data. Cassettes, diskettes and hard drives all store information magnetically. In these case, however, it is important that the information stored on them remain protected even once the electrical current is disconnected, in order that its data do not get erased. This is accomplished by using several protective layers made from special materials.

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Physics - Electricity and Magnetism

How are electricity and magnetism created?

Electricity has a direct relation to magnetism.

Both phenomena have their origin in the positive and negative charges of atoms.

Atoms maintain a neutral charge when in a static or calm state. In this case, the positively charged protons and negatively charged neutrons appear in the same number in atoms and their combined forces are balanced.

With the addition of energy, atoms can either release or gain new electrons, where the addition of energy creates a positive charge within the atom and a loss of energy creates a negatively charged atom. In such cases the atom is transformed into a charged ion. Ions which have few electrons attract to themselves loose electrons, where ions with an excess of electrons repel loose electrons. These phenomena are referred to as electrical charges.

The movement of electrically charged particles of a substance (conductor) is defined as electrical current. Not all substances have the ability to conduct electrical current, which means that not all substances enable to movement of free or loose electrons.

Substances which have the quality of being able to conduct electrical current are referred to as conductors, where those substances which are not able to conduct electrical current are referred to as non-conductors. All metals are considered good conductors, a characteristic which many non-metal compounds also have.

All electrical effects are created by electrical charges which affect one another through electrostatic forces. The area in which these forces act is called an electrical field. Charges with the same potential repel one another where charges with opposite potential are attracted to one another.

Besides this, each moving electrical charge creates a magnetic field. This principle does not apply only for the flow of current within a conductor but applies on an atomic level as well. Electrons which revolved around an atom's nucleus generate a magnetic moment which, with many substances, makes the atoms behave as small rod magnets (elementary magnets).

With many substances, these elementary magnets are lined in the same direction and make the substance a constant magnet.

With other substances, such as iron, the elementary magnets balance under the influence of a magnetic field, as such increasing the strength of the that field. This effect is used with electromagnets. After removing such a substance from the magnetic field, the substance remains magnetic for only a short time.

If the elementary magnets within some object are uniformly oriented, the above stated effect repels an object with uniform orientation elementary magnets while attracting objects with non-uniform elementary magnet. A magnetic field exists around such objects.

Electricity and magnetism are presently used in many areas, where not only electrical and electronic appliances operate on the principle of electricity and magnetism but where radio, television and mobile transmitters use artificially generated electromagnetic waves. Today, we can find control and regulation units in almost all mechanical machinery, such as in automobiles, washing machines and microwave ovens.

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Penguins - An Overview

The popularity of penguins is at an all-time high. It is in large part due to the hit movie The March of the Penguins, that such interest in penguins has been raised recently. Until this movie was released in theatres, most humans never knew that penguins could be such a strong and determined animal. This brief article is to give you a short overview of penguin facts.

Penguins are unusual looking little birds, with their tuxedo-styled plumage, and waddling walk that makes many people think the birds are clumsy. For most of us, that perception changed when the movie The March of the Penguins came out and made us take notice of the Emperor penguin species. The movie tells a story of the amazing trials and hardships these emperor penguins have to go through just so they can have a family and be parents. If you are one of the few people that have yet to see this movie, you should check it out soon. It's humorous in some scenes, and can make you cry in other scenes. After watching the film, you'll have an entirely new respect and awareness for these birds.

Mostly, penguins have a limited habitat. They primarily are thought of as living in Antarctica, but there are a few penguin species that can be found on the cold coastal regions of South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. There is also a kind of penguin that lives on the Galapagos Islands, and they are called Galapagos penguins. However, no penguins live in the Arctic.

The biggest kinds of penguins are the Emperor Penguins, which can get really big as an adult, and reach an average of 48 inches when full-grown. The smallest penguin is known as the Rockhopper penguin, which only reaches twelve inches in height on average.

Penguins do their hunting and feeding in the water. There isn't much food to be found on the frozen Antarctic ice, so they have to go underwater to find food. A standard penguin diet is made up of fish, squid or krill. A penguin is a great swimmer and can dive very deep underwater, holding its breath for several minutes underwater.

As The March of the Penguins movie revealed to us, Emperor penguins have a very unique and interesting breeding cycle. Penguins breed only once each year, and then only in specially chosen areas known as rookeries, which serve as breeding grounds for the penguins. Much like some other creatures, a penguin returns to the same rookery each year to breed. Penguins will sometimes travel 60 or 70 miles or more just to reach the rookery.

Once the penguins get to the breeding grounds (the rookeries), the male and female penguins will start flirting with each other and finally find their perfect match for a mate. The female penguin only lays one egg. After laying the egg, the female penguin carefully gives the egg to the male, who then holds it on top of his feet so it won't touch the ice. The male penguin hangs his big stomach over the egg to cover it and keep it warm from the high winds and freezing cold climate.

The male penguin will do this for nine consecutive weeks and will not eat food the entire time. During this nine weeks, the male will lose almost half of his body weight, and the mother penguin takes the opportunity to go out to sea and find food for herself, so she can to replenish her own resources, which were drained during her pregnancy and while laying the egg. The female will later return to the male penguin, usually just about the same time as the egg is due to hatch, and will trade places with the male penguin. He will then go back out to sea for himself and hunt for food to regain his strength.

There is much more to know about penguins though! Check out the website for more fun penguin facts and information about baby penguins.

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